Thursday, March 6, 2014

Finding a Home.

I've just got back from a house viewing with future housemates. Since its been quite a while since I've updated, its safe to assume that no one (except for my close friends and family) knows exactly where I currently live and who I currently live with.

For security purposes; I live in an apartment I can't disclose the name of with my cousin Syasya, who is currently doing her ACCA examinations.

She's going back for good this June after she's done with all her papers; leaving me on my own, so I've managed to convince a couple friends to take me into their home since one of them will be leaving for London the next term.

A couple incidences have happened nearby where all of us currently live; sometimes the most convenient of living areas aren't necessarily the safest. So most are contemplating whether or not to extend their contracts, given the circumstances. So we've been out looking for homes several times now.

Personally; I fear living in landed properties here, purely because theres only a single door that stands in between a criminal standing outside and your belongings (and you) on the opposite side. Robberies aren't rare, especially in a student-populated city like Manchester; because lets face it, every single person in a student property would own at least a laptop each.

But its either living on my own + tolerating strangers like I did during my first year here; or live with friends so I don't go crazy (this happens more often that I would like to admit).

Here's another picture of me because... I want to show off my helmet !

YES I'm a cyclist now ! And I absolutely LOVE being one. Manchester is such a nice place to cycle; its safe, and most importantly its flat (because God knows I won't get anywhere if it requires me to cycle up a hill) 

But I'll write more about that on another post :-)

Right now I have to continue doing my part of the groupwork due next Monday... booooooo~~

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