Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Bangkok; Day Two and Three

When we arrived to Bangkok the day before, my mother requested that the hotel arrange a hired car to bring us to the famous floating market.

In order to catch the floating market however, we needed to leave our hotel at 7.30 am because the journey to the Damnoen Saduak floating market would take us roughly 1 hour and 30 minutes, if not 2 hours. Bangkok is famed for their traffic congestions.

So after breakfast, we met with our guide and moved on to our destination, but not without needing to stop for the restroom thanks to my small bladder and my insistence on drinking about a gallon of water before we left the hotel.

In order to get to the floating market; we had to take a different boat there.

At the first stop, we bought ourselves these hats because... lets face it; we're dedicated tourists. The fact that it shields us from the unforgiving Bangkok (or Bangkok outskirts) sun, is a pretty good bonus, we later discovered.

The first boat to the floating market is roughly a 5 to 10 minutes ride. After that we alight onto another one, that led us through the crowded river, passing by boats selling things from chicken skewers to mango sticky rice to tourist souvenirs.

On the way back from the floating market, we stopped by a Buddhist temple, the name of which escaped me entirely because I was awoken from my sleep in the car and well, frankly wasn't very pleased to be.

We had Tom Yam Goong (we have this every meal) at our hotel, and rested for 2 hours before moving on to the next thing on our made-up-as-we-go-along itinerary.

After we've had our rest, next on the itinerary was The River City, which is a shopping mall by the river. I have no pictures from our visit there because literally all we did was buy metres upon metres of Thai silk and had early dinner (more Tom Yam Goong and noodles on the side).

Last night at Asiatique, we came across a shop that was selling the Monthong Durian Chips for cheaper, so we decided to head back for one last haul before our flight back the next day. So off we go again, to Asiatique.

Aside from the durian chips, my mother and I also got ourselves some sculptures. My mother got herself a pair of owls, and I got myself a Tang Dynasty horse! Wide arse, short, and everything! 

All the sculptures were made by the guy selling them and his wife. SO TALENTED. 

We left Asiatique earlier than the night before, and was greeted with hotel rooms that have been prepared for sleep for us. It was no wonder that everyone fell asleep instead of watching Runaway Bride my sisters and I rented for the night.

We didn't do much of anything on our third day, because we had to be at the airport by 2pm for our flight at 4. I initially wanted to drag my mother and sisters to Platinum Mall for some shopping, but that plan was chucked in the bin at the last minute.

We checked out early and reach Siam Centre at 9.30 am when shops are closed still. So we had some drinks at CBTL before doing some shopping at Forever 21. At this point, I didn't even bother going to Platinum Mall anymore because we needed to walk there, and from what I've read; You need more than 2 hours to get through even half of it.

But it was good that we didn't because we get to explore Siam Centre which is; AMAZING. If you're really into good interior and unique one-off designs, that is.

Mama insisted on going back there again with my father next time, to score some items for our new home. I'm much too lazy to transfer photos of the day from my phone onto here, so I'm just going to end my post on Bangkok with a photo of this rad piece of lighting at the Food Court of Siam Centre (where we had our final, yes, Tom Yam).

Magnificent isn't it ?

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