Monday, September 2, 2013

I Went Mac, and Then I Went Back.


Okay, so new laptop came in today (not really though, because I had to drive to a place in Shah Alam to pick it up) and I am a wee bit... overwhelmed, if I may say so.

Well first of all; Windows 8.

What the fudgestickles (!!!!!!!)

Half, if not most of the time, I have no idea what I'm doing. And frustrations all over when I realise that I can't minimise Skype, and have Hadzray sleeping in a tiny little box on the top of my screen while I sort my life out. I've come to figure out that Windows 8 kinda works like my iPhone. Basically, I can't run 2 apps simultaneously on a single screen. 

But I'm trying not to hate Windows 8 just yet, because I remember feeling the same when I first got my Macbook four years ago. I WILL love this OS.

Second of all; Adobe Creative Suite.

Now, I am no computer software genius, but I got lucky with downloading the entire Adobe CS6 on my Macbook thank you to this magic crack folder I got through Youtube. But now, I am back to Square UNO. 

Also, something is stopping me from downloading AutoCAD and the likes.

*screams internally*

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