Sunday, August 14, 2011

In No Particular Order.

Hello! So, yes. Yesterday was THE final presentation for my first semester. This means I have about three weeks of holiday, excluding that one day (the 22nd) where I'll be having an English exam. Though I have to be honest and say that I didn't end the semester as well as I would've wanted to, because of THIS:

Its no use trying to defend myself right now, but lets just say that I didn't have enough guts (and time) to go ahead with original design, so I went ahead and constructed a... (1) Child's playhouse, (2) Security guard post, (3) A loo. Yeap. Its a 3-in-1 thing... NOT.

But thats in the past now. All I can do is learn from it.

It feels a bit awkward though... not having anything to do. So up till now I've spent most of my time sleeping. And reading. Oh! And being excited about our future house, which I'm happy to say is an on-going project... finally!

*jumps up and down*

You have no idea how long my whole family have been waiting for this house. So yeah, Alhamdulillah. Its a dream come true for all of us.

So far, I'm satisfied with my life now. I've said it too many times, but yes, I feel like I always kinda HAVE to compare what I am now, and what I was in Egypt; unhappy. Its sad, but true.

Oh, a couple of weeks ago I even went back to school! I've missed SEMASHUR. It was for a program my intake did to expose the form five students about what comes after SPM. At first they actually told me to give a speech about medicine and Egypt (for fear that no one studying medicine there would make it on that day) and my reaction was;


If I did give a speech about it, I'd probably get tomatoes thrown at me or something. 

"Oh, by the way, I failed almost all my subjects when doing medicine, and after that I gave up my scholarship and now I'm studying architecture in a private university. Ok, sekian terima kasih."

Tomatoes. Splattered. All over my face. 

But honestly I did wish I was given the chance to tell them to (ultimately); Go after what they love to do. I mean, everyone wants something that promises them a good income in the future, but hey. If you don't love what you do, I don't see the point in you doing it.

I don't want to be the person, who by the end of the day, goes back home and think; 'I hate my job'. If I love something, I don't mind working for it. Money will come later, insyaAllah. And whoever says your day job is the only thing that can earn you cash anyways?

Though I did manage to tell this to my former junior dormmates. 

I personally hope that kids would further inform themselves of anything that comes after highschool, since schools aren't really much help. A lot of people think that if you take law, you become a lawyer. If you take medicine, you become a doctor. If you take architecture, you become an architect. Theres more to it than that, and everyone deserves to know.

A few weeks before that, I went to Urbanscapes. Which was... to be honest; a bit underwhelming. I was personally hoping to bring home some awesome item of clothing, but most (if not all) of the stalls there were selling vintage things. And I can't really carry off vintage dresses and whatnot.

Plus, I missed all the acts I planned to catch. Diandra Arjunaidi, Liyana Fizi, etc. But I did get to catch this awesome dude at the Moonshine stage.... I can't recall his name right now. But it was Ashley something.

Further proof that I didn't really have much fun there; I didn't take any photos. Except for the cup of Boostjuice I bought on the way home.

Later that night I went to the Sepang F1 Circuit to catch the drag race together with Paca.

It was a good experience. But I don't think I'll be coming again years to come... at least not until I really come to understand engines and shizz. All I know is to go 'WHOA'. 


Out of topic... but, guys who carry their girl's handbags are stupid. And the girls who LET their boyfriends carry their handbags are stupid as well. 

Girls: Kalau tak reti nak pegang sendiri bag tu, tak payah nak menggatal bawak in the first place.

Boys: Tak payah nak terasa kau gentleman or 'sho shweet' tolong pegang handbag girlfriend. You look like a fool.

Some time in between everything I went to catch the Arsenal VS Harimau Malaya thing. Honestly? I was on Arsenal's side... but towards the end, I leaned more towards Harimau Malaya coz I wanted them to at least score ONE goal so it wouldn't be such an embarrassing loss.

LOL so focused.

Afterwards was just a bunch of us hanging out at Rasta. I reached home at four in the morning. NICE. Oh, y'know, like a teenager should be.

Oh wait. I'm already twenty. DRRATS!

And just recently, I got to catch the second leg of Malaysia VS Singapore. Almost freaked out coz I didn't get tickets, but luckily Ayah has contacts, and we received complimentary VIP tickets.

It was a devastating loss, and I honestly almost cried. I know, wayyy to expressive for someone who has never truly invested any time or money on local football. But I strongly feel that it has something to do with our seats being so close to the Singaporean supporters. And hearing their cheers and shiz leaves me in a combo of being pissed off and becoming an emotional wreck.

I literally spent almost the whole night facepalm-ing myself.

But yeah, even though I was sad, I was also angry as well. I mean, yes, for one, at the Singapore players who keeps on faking injuries. Though I was actually more angry towards the attitude of Malaysians (excluding a few) because almost the whole stadium disrespected Singapore's national anthem by booing and whatnot.

I mean, come on la. No one ever thought you to be courteous and polite ke weh? 

And then after the match ended, people at the top began throwing drinking bottles down. Like, what. THE. Malu beyond belief okay. Tak faham what these people are trying to do. 

.... I guess that's about it. I didn't really plan this post out carefully. Well, obviously. What I did was just choose a few photos from my Blackberry that I can write about. :-D

Till later. And OH! Its late... but, SELAMAT MENYAMBUT RAMADHAN AL-MUBARAK! 

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