Sunday, August 22, 2010

Going Mainstream.

As you can see... I changed my blog's name. Just because its true. LOL. You see, some people try too hard to be unique. But the thing is, I think I'm happy being one of the majority. Finally. Back then I tried quite hard at finding something that a lot others have no knowledge about, like an unsigned underground band, and I took quite a liking at boasting to other people about what I know.

Even better when they, in turn, like what I like as well. I remember once, during the age of Myspace (LOL) where almost every profile page I went to had a long - and I mean, reeeeaaaaallllyyyyy longggg - list of musicians on that box on the left side, under Music.

I never did that. But a lot of people I know did. Its okay if you're really into those musicians, but the thing is about these people is that they only know ONE song coming from at least 3/4 of those artistes, and then they go around telling everyone how cool the band is, and take comfort when someone comments: "Kool gila kaw layan band sipolan sipolan."

Contoh la. Its actually not very far from what I did, so thinking back I thought: What was I thinking?

Why was it sooo important that I come out as someone who's different than a lot other? 

So, nowadays I don't bother. What if you tell me I'm cliche? I'm proud. There's nothing to be embarrassed about favouring things that half the population (hyperbolically speaking) of the world are interested in as well. What if you tell me that I got my ideas off someone else? Well, maybe I did. Is that so wrong? As long as I'm abiding copyright laws, then I think I'll be okay.

You can choose to be turned off at someone when they took to liking something you liked first (if thats even possible) because by then you're no longer a minority, or perhaps get pissed when someone tells you you're unoriginal.

But me? I'm happier not caring. Its easier, too. Wanna know something else? The majority always WINS. :-)

PS: The picture early on? Well thats because I'm disappointed that they're stopping over Indonesia and Singapore(?) but not Malaysia. WHY?! And BTW, how TRUE is this??:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha miuwwwwwwww !