(source: Flickr)
Exams are in... (*counts) 3 days. LOL. I'm so bad with math nowadays its not even funny anymore. I even insisted that fifteen sounds like fifty. Oh wait. That may have something to do with me being worse with numbers in the arabic language.
Oh well. :-P
So, someone asked me on Formspring regarding whats happened to my Facebook and even more recently, my blog. I think the confusion thats going on about my FB is that its actually not yet fully inactivated. Coz I sucked all the credits of my broadband dry, and without it, deactivating FB is a pain coz, oh well I don't think I should dive into details. Its gonna take at the very least TWO paragraphs to explain. LOL. I'm that bad at summarizing something.
And my blog? I'm the kind of person who loves looking back at her previous posts (I do it so habitually that I'm pretty confident most of the hits I receive per day is courtesy of myself. LOL.) and witnessing how my way of thinking / writing have grown over time. So I think thats pretty much the only thing I miss after I deleted all my previous posts.
There is really no real reason behind what I did, honestly. I didn't think it over. Just DID IT. You happy now, Nike? :-) But if I havehavehave to give a reason why I'd have to say it was because I wanted to rid of my 'past' that I'm not very proud of anymore. Am definitely trying to evolve into what will InsyaAllah be a better me.
Oh yeah. You can call me Wowo 2.0 (two point oh) in android voice nowww. I am sooo radddd.
So aside from all that nonsense about myself, that no one really cares about really, I've been bugging my family about heading over to Whisk Cafe at a newly opened joint called Empire Gallery somewhere in Subang. WHY? Because I insist that they taste some bloody adorable MACAROONS sold there.
Is it rational to be craving over something you've never even tasted? Well, IDC. I mean, LOOK!
(source: Tumblr)
Being the person who has no problems with remembering irrelevant details, I remember very distinctively that Chuck Bass presented a box of macaroons for Blair at the end of season 2 of Gossip Girl. I remember thinking: "Bloody hell I want those colour injected dorayakis."
I mean, you have to admit they look a lot like dorayakis!
And I told my mum to bring the whole family sans myself (*cries silently) to the cafe but she insisted on waiting till I get home. Terharuterharuterharu. Which, I'm not even sure WHEN anymore, but I'm praying that it won't interfere with the summer holidays too much. InsyaAllah. One can only plan and hope, and the rest is up to the Almighty.
And when I told Mama 'your stomach is my stomach' she replied: "I don't think you want to have my stomach." Seriously mother, do you not get what I'm trying to explicate here?
I guess thats about it for now, since I have to yet again, hit the books! Don't wanna let pisang berbuah dua kali (bananas fruit-ing twice) kan? Wowo, must always learn from mistakes. Mustmustmust. I only really took a break to blog because I feel asleep painfully with my big ass headphones still on, and my boyfriend (Mister Macbook) playing a loop of an anatomy revision video.
In my defense, the video really is that boring. Can't help myself. And now my neck hurts, AGAIN coz I've been sleeping in inappropriate positions for these past few days. The last neck cramp took two days to heal because I was too scared to have myself / anyone massage it, fearing some blood vessels or nerves or whatever being dislocated / torn. HAHA.
And I call myself a medical student. Pffft.