Wednesday, July 24, 2013

All Too Familiar.

Its come to a point where I can't (for the life of me) figure out what to write about, because its been so long since my last post. Whats certain is that this isn't going to be one of many entries where I promise myself and nonexistent readers that an effort will be made on my behalf to regularly blog. Because lets face it; Its never worked out and I personally don't think it is ever going to.

Where am I at in life right now? Still the same. Probably the only thing thats changed since my last post is my age (twenty two now) and my weight, which sadly enough is increasing. I don't have proof (don't think I can face the disappointment that is bound to arrive from seeing larger numbers on a scale just yet) but I am convinced that I've gained at least 2 pounds. 

I'm also going to go ahead and blame my possible weight gain to my time in Italy recently, Venice especially. Typical.

The boyfriend tells me that the food we ate weren't fattening... and he is hardly ever wrong (almost never, actually) but as usual; I'm just going to go ahead and say that he's got it wrong. Just because.

A lot of things just actually popped up in my head that I really want to write about, but I'm going to stop myself because I know for a fact that I will take it too far and this whole post will just be another one of my rants.

Its 4 am, an hour before the entire family wakes up for sahoor. Contemplating on whether I should sleep or continue pinching the fat on my thigh in hopes that I would eventually be able to squeeze them out like a pimple.

I'm going with the latter.

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