Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Boy Who Turned Twenty-One and his Saran-wrapped Car.


Post on the night can also be read on Hawa's, Zue's and the birthday boy himself; Nussow's blog.

Psst clearly I'm not the only one with love on their mind. Its cliche to question why we're all growing up so fast, so I'm gonna go ahead and question WHY ARE WE EVEN GROWING UP AT ALL. Its so scary. Talking about love, marriage. I mean, back in Egypt the topic of marriage was all the rage, but I never understood it.

And friends who are already married, are engaged, and those who are seriously planning to marry their current partners... Dear God. Scary! But in a good way, of course. As long as they don't elope, coz I get to nom on free food. 


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The girls (Hawa, Zue, Tiq and Eja) and I have been planning a birthday prank for the soon-to-be (now, is) twenty-one year old Nussow, on the 2nd of April.

However on the day itself, the plan had to be altered a couple of times, because for some odd reason the birthday boy decided to do everything opposite of his norm on his special day.

But it eventually turned out to be an awesome night out, despite suddenly ending up having to carry out the mission in Bangsar, instead of the predetermined area in Sunway, to the KTM station in Shah Alam, to somewhere in the vicinity of Empire Shopping Gallery.

Things we do for good friends, really.

 Unloading the Saran wrap. 

Tiq, video woman of the night.

The end result.

After that was real-life stalking from us girls, done from inside my car, parked only a few metres away from the victim's.

Saw the now twenty-year old dude, and surprised him with snow and string sprays and a couple of good party popper, of course.


Calming down. Apparently he thought a bunch of gangsters wrapped his car, and that a person would walk up to him and go "KAU PARK TEMPAT AKU?!"

Cehh emosi sungguh gangster. Even went through all the trouble of wrapping a person's car instead of just smashing its windows. (-___-)

Took up a whole catering-sized roll of wrap to cover the whole car. 

Spiderman... (-____-)

After that we headed to McDonald's, made ourselves at home and feasted on cakeee!

This picture is so gay... I can't. HAHAHA.

Stupid darn candles didn't sparkle like I imagined.

Look at Haziq, with his hands clapped together. Just look at him.

Tweeting, coz hella, we couldn't have tweeted during the operation. Twitterheads.

Oh, y'know, just your normal bunch of ill-behaving twenty year olds (except for one) turning twenty one.

To finish it off; An ode to Girls' Generation.

Pssst if you must know, Hawa (far left on the last photo), Maira (not pictured anywhere) and I went to see Girls' Generation when they performed at KLCC recently, in accordance to the Formula One. It was pretty silly and a hundred percent unplanned, but of course, a memorable experience anyways. I don't have pictures from the night... AT ALL, but you can read about it on Hawa's blog, here.

And lastly, again, to end this post;


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