Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hairy Situation.

From natural and long haired, to
the 'Rihanna' bob...

... to a redhead (it happened 3 times) ...

... to being blond-ish...

... to being brunette again...

... to bleaching and dyeing my hair ombre...

... red tips faded into blond, again...

... chopped them all off, just for kicks plus I can't be bothered to put that much effort into shampoo-ing anymore...

... to okay-lah...

... until one night (whilst watching Notting Hill, might I add) I decided to bleach my head, and thus...

... the mop hair (first from left)...

... to dyeing it black again (for a fckishly expensive price, so I obviously won't do it at shops anymore)...

... to NOW.

Waiting for my hair to grow long (its taking longer than it usually does now). And by then... IDK. I have so many things in mind. But we'll see what happens. I'm pretty sure one quiet afternoon or one lonely night will spark some ideas and a trip to the pharmacy for hair-wrecking ingredients.

Was going through old photos just now, and went on a total twitpic rampage. Its currently 2 in the morning, and I'm actually getting a bit sleepy... but I know if I were to sleep now, I'd miss out on the Arsenal VS Bolton Wanderers game kicking off at 4 am.

I already fell asleep halfway throughout the match against Aston Villa, so I'm trying not to miss this one. Hopefully my boys win again this time around. 

Today we'll be submitting our final EVER EVER for the semester's work. And after that I'm freeeeee. Already have a list of things to do, just need to move my arse in order to get them done.

Till then!

PS: Italy photos for the next post are already edited! Yay! Lightroom works WONDERS.

PPS: Missing Egypt and all the people I left there.



nak aku curik gambar alex tu.
mau letak dlm blog ak..

nrlndhrhznl said...

Hahahha Ujaiii. Ambil lerrr.

Anonymous said...

sorry if I am out of topic but I am interested in your choices of camera.

I am currently considering buying that olympus pen e-p3 like yours, instead of nikon / canon dslr. would you mind to lend your two cents in persuading me for which is better in taking pictures for beginners?

:) thanks in advance!

-a friend.

nrlndhrhznl said...

Hello Anon, nah its okay to be out of topic.

Um, well, for beginners, its okay actually to start with a micro 4/3 like the EP-3. But honestly, IMO, its better to start with a Canon/Nikon entry level. (For Canon, the 1000D, for Nikon IDK coz I've never used one).

I don't know about you, but I opted for the Olympus Pen instead of a DSLR because;

(1) I wanted a compact/lighter camera to bring around and put in my bag. DSLRs are mostly big and bulky.

(2) The Olympus Pen has this range of filter/special effects that I find helpful (+fun!) when you're too lazy to edit your pictures later, coz they help make your pictures stunning!

Yeah, thats a few of the reasons (+ its a stylish camera, and I'm superficial like that).

If size is not a problem for you, then yeah, I'd suggest a Canon/Nikon DSLR. For reasons such as;

(1) The entry level cameras cost about the same, if not a litte bit more expensive than the Olympus Pen. (Not gonna lie, even I personally think my camera's overpriced).

(2) There's a wider range of lenses for a DSLR. The same can't be said with the micro 4/3. So lets say you first buy a Canon 1000D, and you get all these lenses to go with it.

Then one day you want to upgrade to perhaps a Canon 650D. You can always sell your 1000D's body, get the 650D, and you'd STILL have those lenses.

In terms of which camera takes better pictures... thats actually up to the person taking the them! A person can own the highest range DSLR, but still take crappy photos.

And a compact camera with no manual settings can take wonderful photos.

OMG this is long. Hopefully it helped, any other questions, you can be free to ask! I am more than willing to help.

A tip; Visit the camera store and try out the cameras to compare. It always helps. :-)