Ugh. My hands. I don't know WHY I just can't keep them off my face! I'm either peeling my lips till they bleed or peeling off my skin and produce near-permanent scars.
I mean I'm pretty blessed to have pretty good skin, in terms of that my scars WILL disappear somehow, given a few months. But I can't keep on taking advantage of it because skin condition will deteriorate with age and I'd be stupid to think that my skin's going to keep renewing itself at the same rate in the future as in does now.
In fact its noticeably slower than my days as a teenager. *cries*
Starting from now (Like, SERIOUSLY OMGOMGOMG I SWEAR) I'm going to make an effort. I'm going good and have not been missing out on facial wash.
Um. Yeah. I was never a very keen user of any facial products. I just can't be bothered... But that all has to change! (I'm getting old... TSK)
Just started on wearing masks today. Hoping to God that these products actually do as they preach... And yeah I'm getting started on a little homemade lemon treatment as well, to remove discolouration. (Coz I can't afford a microdermabrasion treatment right now and I don't believe in spending too much for such things to begin with)
Thats basically the downside of it all. I mean, the scars heal... but they leave dark spots on my face. And as much as I am confident with my appearance (whether or not people think I look presentable or the complete opposite), it does get me at times. Whenever people look at me a little longer when they're talking to me I kinda feel like they're criticizing me.
Hate. It feels like 10 years ago again, when I was really insecure about the moles on my face and I always feel like people are just STARING at them whenever they spoke to me.
And plus they're kinda visible when you take passport photos, no matter how many layers of BB cream you slab on your face. (I can't stand foundations)
So yeah, perhaps a little skin improvement posts. Just so it could help motivate me to continue putting on this effort and KEEP. MY FRIGGIN HANDS. OFF MY FACE.
I'm always more motivated when it involves convincing people they're wrong about something. So yeah, you don't think I can do it?! Then you're wrong!!
*karate kicks the air*
PS: Heading to Terengganu this Wednesday. PRAYING HARD there would be some sort of an internet connection there so I can catch my boys (Arsenal, duhhh) in their game against AC Milan. Its also Henry's final game before he leaves for the NYRB. *insert super sad face*
If not... Then Twitter updates it is. And repeat of the match later when I get home. It won't be the same... But *sigh* what to do.
My heart is still gonna be with them, despite.
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