Monday, June 7, 2010

You Should've Seen This Coming.

5 Reasons: Why I Love John Mayer.
(I KNOW. My obsession have finally come to this.)

One: He's SUPER smexyyyyy and good lookin'

If there is ever a time where I feel that I'd literally die from excessive drooling...
This would be it.

Two: He looks good in a suit.

I loveeeee mennnn innn suittsssss 
Can dieeee 

Three: He looks good in rags.

Okay... physical attributes shall stop there.

Four: His guitar playing. 

Errrr lets just say if someone serenades me with his songs + same skills in guitar...
I'd propose to that guy right then and there.

Coz I'm THAT big a sucker.
Despite him having a 'seizure' every time he does play.

Five: His honesty.

I don't want to hurt no more. 
Don't worry no more, its not you,
but I've still got some running to do.
Oh I've still got some running to do.

Let a man be lost.
For once in his lifetime.
To live out his whole life, all of the nice times.
To sit in his own mind.
To stare out at the skyline, and know that he's got plenty of time left in his lifeline...
... left in his lifeline.

( Half of My Heart, Live on Letterman )

I mean, the man's a man-whore and serial dater, but, seriously.
I don't care!

Just beattt ittttt beattt itttt
*okay must stop now.


despite this picture.

P/S: Been crazy downloading his EPs. drooldrooldrooldroollayanlayanlayanDIE.