Saturday, March 12, 2011

Well Blended.

I just deleted the previous post, because after my family and I were done eating at Sushi King, we stopped by Cold Storage, and that's where my mother found out through her connections in Facebook about a video that has apparently gone viral, because of yet another form of animal torture.

The video, as the description said (because we didn't want to watch it, even reading the details of it made our eyes swell up with tears) shown a person cutting off a cat's paws because its been stealing fish.


Honestly, I will never be able to understand (and I don't want to) what goes on in these people's heads when they do these kind of things. 

My baby girl, Figo.
How some people have the heart to hurt these adorable creatures is beyond my comprehension.

I think it was only about a year or so ago, I watched a video of a kitten being stepped on by a woman in heels. But I only managed to watch the first 10 seconds or so of that, coz I was already crying by the time the video started playing, and because I just can't bear to watch the innocent kitten being bullied like that.

Moreover, its one thing to be cruel, but its another that you decide to record the whole thing. Its as if you deliberately want the world to know that you enjoy doing what you're doing to these animals.

And since my previous post was about my feeling of hatred towards a certain cat, I deleted it. Because I don't want people to think of me, the same way they think about those people in the videos. As much as I despise Tupai, I have never intended to hurt or kill it. I just really wanted it to be far away from our house, since it was such a nuisance.

But seriously, what is UP with these people? I mean, sure, the cat stole your fish a couple dozen of times, did you really have to chop off its paws? I mean, COME ON LAH. They're animals, what do they know about the rules of stealing and whatnot. 

Its getting hard for me to write all this, because right now I'm imagining how that cat looks like, and how badly it cries in pain after its cruel fate... and its heartbreaking. Right now I just wish the people who did that, and anybody else who had ever hurt an animal like that GET WHAT THEY DESERVE. In my opinion, its death. But I'm certain that God knows better the ways to punish these people. So I pray to Him to save the innocent animals on the face of this Earth and to punish the devils who did any animal harm.

Aside from cruelty to animals, there is another video I saw a week or two ago, where two boys decided to 'playfully' hit a homeless man's head. Hard. 

There's absolutely NOTHING funny about it. At freakin' all, but these two boys were laughing their asses off and feeling all triumphant about it. WTF man. 

Where is everyone's sense of compassion towards other living creatures and towards humans alike? 

Just because you're living the good life doesn't make you any better than a homeless man. And it definitely doesn't give you ANY right to hit him in the head like that. Oh mannn, I feel so sorry for that man. And his face looked so sad after being awaken from sleep. :'-( I wish those two boys would grow up to become beggars themselves, and see how THEY like it when people look down on them.

But since its not good to wish bad things to happen upon others, the best I can do is turn to God, and ask Him that He saves those boys and lead them towards the path of righteousness.

On a lighter note;

I finally got to eat sushi. Oh hot damn, I loveeeee sushi. And I will forever find it a tad funny how the staffs over at Sushi King get puzzled and have to recount the number of colour rimmed plates we have on our table.

We're shameless when it comes to grabbing sushi(s) and temaki(s) off the conveyor belt. Its always like;

(1) Scout around. Eagle eyes style.
(2) See something nom-worthy (well, everything is nom-worthy, but yeah, something that you want to savour like a beast most).
(3) Grab.
(4) Finish in 2 minutes.
(5) Repeat cycle, up until you feel that your stomach would explode of you took another bite.

This is a far too normal a sight when my family pays a visit to Sushi King:


Thank you Ayah for introducing to us all the wonderful delicacies of Japan. :-9

Okay missing our vacation trip to Japan and Korea all a sudden, coz I pretty much enjoyed all their food. SOBS. I am still, by the way, searching for a good Korean BBQ place. I know a couple, but most of them are non-halal. And not to forget I am strangely enough, missing kimchi, despite how much I disliked it when I was in South Korea. -_____-"

Speaking of South Korea, I have definitely embraced K-Pop and K-Dramas and whatnot. Thanks to my wonderful friends whom I share a floor with in Alexandria. Yet another reason I won't ever be able to forget you guys! 

I have a lot more variety in my iPod now. Apart from my usual English songs, instrumentals, orchestral music, some random foreign songs I randomly find out through YouTube in French, Italian, Spanish and et cetera, I now also have K-Pop. :-)

By the way, there is a hugeee probability that I'll be attending Big Bang and 2NE1's concert in Malaysia... taking place in June(?) if I'm not mistaken. Am soooo excited! ^^

And I asked Ayah whether he'll be receiving free tickets to see the F1 Petronas Malaysia Grand Prix at Sepang this year, and he said he already asked a friend to get some for him. SO... YAYNESS! Fast cars and... a free concert! Featuring the only K-Pop artist I knew back then (before my friends introduced me to a lot more) thanks to the drama 'Full House':

Bi Rain himself, yawwww.

We be rollin'.

Speaking of concerts (yes, I like to jump topics like this), am still saddened by the news that Coldplay would not be coming to Malaysia. So butthurt, can't even. Its so unfair how Indonesia and Singapore always have awesome acts coming over, and Malaysia is in between being all; "WTF". 

But, Michael Buble is coming (or came, IDK, and I don't care much) and the highest priced ticket to his concert costs about 2000 MYR. WHOA, right?

Which is why I made the decision to save at least THAT much money, just in case Malaysia decides to bring in JOHN MAYER (which, they probably SHOULD, durhhhh), and decides to sell his tickets the same amount as an arm and a leg. Because I simply would not accept cheap seats at this man's concert. Imma be up front, ogling his face, swaying side to side, melting into a puddle upon hearing his voice live, and just take in every feeling, every smell, and not even care to take videos to playback once I reach home, coz its all gonna be in my memory.

Ho yeah.

So yeah, Malaysian organizers. Get John Mayer here. 

Okay Oh-Ma-Gaddd I am still not sleepy yet. Due to already sleeping this afternoon and well... to:

A can of Dr Pepper. 

AKA my favourite carbonated drink. This says a lot, coz I don't drink carbonated drinks. I declared celibacy against Coke and Pepsi ages ago. But THIS, despite most people's comments about it tasting like cough medicine; I love. 

And so, I shall end this mixer of a post by saying two things:

ONE: I am upset that Santana is lesbian. 

TWO: I'm going to miss my Goguma couple. Probably the only Korean variety show that I follow (a bit too religiously sometimes) since July (I have friends to thank for this, again), and is about to come to its end. So sad. 

(Credits / Source: GOCHUN)

Gone are the days that I skim through the pages of their Soompi thread.

Okay goodbye now, I'm gonna go squeeze my sugar gliders, and then watch 'Secret Garden' till I fall asleep, all the whilst om-nom-nom-ing on the one and only;

Milk-flavoured Pocky.
Which, in my honest opinion, is A LOT better than Rocky.

It even sounds cuter!
Try saying it ten times:




So many things happening in so little time. My prayers go out to everyone in any part of the world that have to face political and naturally occurring disasters, right now especially, to the people of Japan. Okay I just remembered that my cousin is over there.

See shocking photos of what is happening and has happened in Japan, HERE.

Am so very thankful that Malaysia is safe from environmental disasters as well as man-made ones. Alhamdulillah. And I pray that it'll stay that way.


Hanis Manis said...

i just watched the video and even as not-a-cat-lover, i'm crying hard. ya allah...

nrlndhrhznl said...

@Hanis: U tengokkk? Aww. Mesti sedih sangat kan? :-( And yeahh Pockyyy is the shiznit!