Thursday, January 20, 2011


Its never easy to get life to work the way you want. So a lot of people just go with the flow. You may never really know what I'm talking about exactly right now. But I tried to go with the flow. And its proven to become such a tiring task to me. Its draining me out emotionally. And as much as I don't mind to continue being pushed along in the direction of the river's current, I think what I really want to do is swim towards the bank, despite how raging the waters are.

Coz sometimes in life, you have to take a leap. Even when you risk a lot of good things. So I'm taking that leap. I don't know which path I'm heading towards next, but I'm pretty certain that I'll be a lot happier there.

A goodbye is coming soon. But sometimes, at moments when its inevitable, you are forced to become selfish. I'm not saying its impossible, but surely, not everyone can pave their way in this world all the whilst never failing to please others.

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