Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dear Diary.

Okay, so, I've began writing a diary. Part of it is because I SERIOUSLY need to start using the notebooks I buy. I'm addicted. I can spend about forever looking at pretty notebooks / planners / organizers / diaries, etc. Anddd the other part of it is because I've forgotten how beneficial it is. Just as long as it doesn't fall into hands other than yours, that is.

I used to write diaries in the past. When I first began to, the thing I did most was bash on my sister Lisa. Coz she kept reading it. And she had the nerves to get angry at me coz I bashed her in my diary. IN MY DIARY. Dude. So uncool. But I love you now, so. Haha. 

Well, for one, I like the idea of being able to read back on the days you've had. Even better when you write about your day in excruciating detail. And by detail I mean, up to the point of reminding yourself that your armpits smelled funkaaayyyy that one day. Okay y'all. We've all had bad armpit days kay?

Sure, a blog is almost like a diary. With the exception of a thing called P-R-I-V-A-C-Y. LOL. I know I'm allowed to write whatever the hell I want on my blog. And I do. But, out of courtesy for the people reading (I know you are, you sly dawg you), there exists an invisible line of restrictions. Okay, honestly, I don't understand what that phrase I just wrote even means anymore. Hah. So what I'm trying to say is, although you are permitted to write whatever you please on your blogs, you can't help but feel restricted sometimes.

I mean, I wouldn't want people to think badly of me if I was too expressive. So I try to keep myself in check. 

NOT that I'm putting on a mask and writing lies here to make people like me lah. Theres a difference between telling a lie, and just simply not exposing the truth. Mmmkay?

On another note, my last few posts make me seem like I'm beating around a bush. And I am. Some may have figured it out, but some... well, you're better off not knowing what kind of bush it is that I'm hitting at. Coz I'll be revealing it once everything is in order. Its something big, of course. FOR ME. 

Sorry lah for sometimes thinking that I'm sooo bloody important that everyone should care. Give me a chance. LOL.

Other things, though offers to be of no significance whatsoever to your life, I'm going to share anyways:

(1) Watched Scott Pilgrim VS The World again today. So ridiculous + Michael Cera = Win / Win situation for me.
(2) Am I the only one who thinks The Clash at Demonhead's cover of Metric's 'Black Sheep' is better than the original?
(3) Strange urge to watch 'Where The Wild Things Are'. Anyone has a copy?
(4) Pissed off at people who seeks every possible opportunity to point a finger on Islam. ATM I'm talking about the Egyptians protesting to end the 30 year old reign of Hosni Mubarak.
(5) Kuku of jari telunjuk tangan kiri is sooo friggin' ugly right now thanks to the guitar. Still trying to perfect Scott Porter & The Glory Dogs's 'Pretend'.
(6) Which reminds me that I watched 'The Good Guy' the other day. Starring Scott Porter.
(7) Watching THAT makes me wanna watch 'The Bachelor'. WTH is up with me and movies??
(8) Wondering WHEN ON EARTH 'Beastly' is going to be released in theatres.
(9) Imagining Justin Bieber holding up his middle finger to his male haters (well, I assume they're all male.) in Malaysia coz his RM400++ tickets are sold out. I'm betting that most girls up front will be the ones who hadn't even hit puberty yet, and made their moms buy the tickets for them. I'm not a JB hater, GOD no. But I assume that teenagers aren't crazy enough to spend that much money for concert tickets. Because SERIOUSLY. RM400++ What the efff.
(10) Contemplating on ordering the whole set of Scott Pilgrim's graphic novels off Amazon.
(11) Thinking whether I'll still have my dignity as someone who promised not to ask my parents for anything else if I ask my dad whether I could charge an Olympus Pen E-PL2 on my credit card. I mean, it defeats all purpose of saying that I won't ask for anything anymore. -____-"
(12) Thinking, then again, I am too desperate, plus am already shameless, so I'm going to ask Ayah anyways. EHEH.
(13) I wanna play Final Fantasy yo. Am not kidding. Especially pissed off coz I already played the one with Squall Leonhart up to the point where I have to beat like, The Boss of Bosses. But then when I wanted to continue where I left off, I found out that my brother AKMAL had deleted it off the memory card. I SERIOUSLY WANTED TO MURDER HIM. And if I had that bigass sword thingy that Squall has, I would've. No doubt. I mean HUWEIII siapa tak sedih wehhhh. 
(14) Oh before I forget, SKIN CONDITION RIGHT NOW IS THE WORSE EVARHHH. Not exaggerating. Nope. Not even a little bit. I mean, WHYYYYYYYY??? What could've possibly caused this? I don't think its because I don't use facial wash. Coz honestly, I hardly ever. 
(15) Realizing only NOW how ridiculous the idea of going to Disneyland in the winter. I mean. Are the rides even open during this time of year??? Okay, let me rephrase that. Are any of the awesome outdoor rides even open during this time of year???? I mean. Obviously the ones involving water will be out of the question. URGHH. JUST PLEASE have some gooooddd smokin' hot churros around. Oh yums. Coz churros available at Malaysia are crappp. I WANT CHURROS CHURROS CHURROS!
(16) Slightly ashamed that someone of my physique is thinking so much about food. Hahhh I do not careee. Food FTW. LOL.

I can honestly write more of these, but I think its wiser to stop. Well, later! 

P/S: Whose reading my blog from the US? Coz my traffic (even as little as it is) mainly comes from Malaysia, followed by the US. Just curious coz I don't really have friends over there. 

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