Monday, June 13, 2011

The Cure Ain't Aspirin.

It must have had to do with the fact that I rarely ever eat a proper meal nowadays, simply due to being lazy, time constraints and lack of appetite, but; 

I did lose four pounds (equals 2 kilos) in less than three weeks. And though its not obvious to the naked eye, I feel the difference; Coz I no longer have to unbutton my US size 6 jeans to fit into them anymore. I can also slip into Zara jeans (coz um yeah, I don't remember the last time I bought pants that AREN'T Zara -- they have awesome possum pants) more easily now. Like olde times! :'-)

Now, I don't plan on not eating in order to lose more weight, but now that I DID lose the aforementioned pounds, I have to admit that I'm more determined to shed even more. But of course, I'm a disbeliever of fad diets and the idea of not eating at all, so I'm gonna choose to take the healthy route towards being fit. Not skinny. Fit. Or, just thinner lah at least.

So no worries about me turning anorexic, bulimic, and all that.

Plan is to reach target weight AND body before September, at least. (Even better; Before Raya. But thats a long shot.) Coz I might be going somewhere in October with the a few course mates and I wanna look good! Super excited! But nothing is final yet, so I don't want to jinx it. 

But lets just say its a site visit. NOT in Malaysia. EEEEEEEEK! Another reason I loveeee being an architecture student!

AND of course, to be well rid of my ginormous thighs and calves. I'm starting to feel embarrassed that I'm only twenty years old, yet some forty year old has better legs. 


Plus I wanna wear tapered and cropped pants and look rad in them. Pretty please?

This is Pixie Lott.

I love her music. And I love... her legs. So I'm making her my fitspo / thinspo. TEEHEE. A bit far-fetched, but come on y'all! Whatever happened to aiming for the stars, so if I fall, I'd fall on the moon? 

Or something like that. LOL.

I wish I have something better to update on... but I have to admit I need a lot more motivation to produce a long post nowadays, since my days are always kinda hectic. So I'm tired most of the time. 

And to think that I'm only in my first semester. *gulps*


I end this post with something I love dancing (in the comfort of my own room) to:

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